
Weekly investors roundup: Five Australian supers fail performance test; Singapore's GIC invests in India space-tech; Korea's NPS gets new CEO

Five Australian superannuation products failed to meet the performance benchmark this year, including four that failed for the second time; Singapore's GIC has led Indian space-tech startup series B funding round; Korea's NPS gets new CEO for three-year term.
Weekly investors roundup: Five Australian supers fail performance test; Singapore's GIC invests in India space-tech; Korea's NPS gets new CEO
TOP NEWS OF THE WEEK The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) published the results of the second MySuper performance test. Five products failed to meet the benchmark this year, including four that failed for the second time. APRA assessed 69 MySuper products with at least five years of performance history against an objective benchmark that assesses two components: investment performance, and fees and costs. The product that failed this year's performance test f…
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