
Canadian pensions target build-to-rent sector in Australia

Cadillac Fairview and Ivanhoé Cambridge are among a slew of high-quality institutions investing in build-to-rent multifamily assets in Australia, as tenant demand continues to grow in the country.
Canadian pensions target build-to-rent sector in Australia
Up until a few years ago, the build-to-rent (BTR) multifamily residential sector in Australia was almost non-existent, according to George Agethen executive vice president and co-head of Asia Pacific at Ivanhoé Cambridge, the real estate subsidiary of the $290 billion Canadian pension fund Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ). “If you wanted to rent a place, it would have been in the private market. Unlike other developed markets like the US and Japan—Australia didn’t hav…
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