
Market Views: Is it a good time to buy US tech stocks?

Inflation, fluctuating interest rates, Covid-19 shutdowns, and sporadic reopenings have led to bouts of volatility in the market, with tech stocks bearing the brunt of the selling over the last month.
Market Views: Is it a good time to buy US tech stocks?
Rotation out of technology stocks led a market selloff earlier this month, seemingly driven by investors’ expectations for a surge in bond yields, but some asset managers remain bullish on the tech sector. The tech-heavy Nasdaq fell 2.26% on October 4, while the S&P 500 fell 1.38%. Longtime market leaders such as Apple and Facebook were hit the hardest, as they fell 2.5% and 5% respectively. Apple’s share price dropped 11% from its September peak, and Facebook fell 15%, puttin…
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