
Outlook 2024: Tailwinds, domestic events to sway Japanese equities

In a series focusing on the development of Asian markets in 2024, AsianInvestor zooms in on Japan and how investors might find value in stocks on the backdrop of a strong year.
Outlook 2024: Tailwinds, domestic events to sway Japanese equities
Japanese equities scaled impressive heights in 2023, with the TOPIX and the Nikkei Stock Average (Nikkei) indexes reaching their highest levels since 1990. As of December 15, the Nikkei was up 28.21% since the start of the year, while the TOPIX was up 24.84%. After such a tailwind year, it is worth looking at the probability that this continues in 2024. At Nikko Asset Management, the expectation is a year of domestic consolidation and long-term reform measures, where markets are…
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