Veterans’ views: Willis Towers Watson’s Tim Mitchell on asset owner evolution
AsianInvestor spoke to the global head of governance at Willis Towers Watson on his efforts helping establish New Zealand Super and the importance of good processes.

The investment industry of Asia Pacific has evolved in leaps and bounds in the 20 years since AsianInvestor began publishing. To celebrate our 20th anniversary edition we asked a set of the most experienced and senior industry veterans to describe the major changes they have seen, both in their organisations and beyond.
The very first employee of New Zealand Super in 2002, Tim Mitchell helped create the sovereign wealth fund before moving in 2015 to consultancy Willis Towers Watson, where in May 2019 he became head global governance for investors. He told AsianInvestor about his efforts in helping establish the pioneering sovereign wealth fund and the benefits of establishing proper governance and investment processes among regional asset owners.

Q. How did you get involved in setting up New Zealand Super?
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