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Asian Bond Watch: Will liquidity be unleashed if US-China trade talks reach consensus

The ongoing trade dispute between two of the world’s largest nations is a significant force influencing market movements. State Street Global Advisors’ Kheng-Siang Ng believes a successful resolution could unleash pent-up demand.
Asian Bond Watch: Will liquidity be unleashed if US-China trade talks reach consensus
Kheng-Siang Ng US and Chinese officials have held rounds of trade talks trying to lay out a deal and put an end to their months-long spat. US President Donald Trump said his team is getting very close to a deal with China but recently he warned that he is thinking of keeping the tariffs on China for a substantial period of time until he decides China has enforced the terms of the deal. President Trump’s vacillating stance on tariffs adds a bit of cloud to the prospect of a…
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