
Trust Principles

Reporting code of conduct

The most important commodity AsianInvestor possesses is trust. We are trusted by our audience that in the process of conducting our journalistic duties we take the appropriate level of care to publish news and analysis that is accurate, timely and meaningful.

As a news organisation, our primary service is to gather news and to serve it without fear or favour. To do otherwise breaks the important contract of trust we have with our readers.

To maintain trust AsianInvestor’s journalists and reporters abide by a simple and clear reporting code of conduct. We endeavour to uphold the code at all times and look to update it where required.

In the interests of transparency, we have committed to publishing the key aspects of the code here.  The below is not exhaustive, but should clearly explain the standards we maintain when producing our award-winning news.  

Say it clearly

Regardless of the nature of the subject, our job is to express the matter at hand in a way that is easy to understand, with brevity and clarity. Good journalism should omit hyperbole and loose language wherever possible.

Conflict of Interest

Especially in the field of finance, journalists should be sensitive to the possibility that activities outside of work could be perceived as having a bearing on — or as coming into conflict with — the integrity of our journalism. Staff must be transparent about any outside personal, philosophical or financial interests that might conflict with their professional performance of duties at AsiaInvestor.

Corrections and clarifications

AsianInvestor will promptly clarify or correct all unclear phrasings and factual errors, large and small. If the correction is in print, it should be placed in the same section in which the error occurred in the subsequent edition. If it is online, a note explaining the correction should be added to the bottom of the article; online corrections should be made immediately.

If the error was not the fault of AsianInvestor staff, the clarification or correction may attribute it. This does not excuse facts that reporters can verify.

Direct quotations

Must not be changed to alter context or meaning. 

Fact checking

We do not allow any editorial copy to be approved or altered by a third party, merely facts to be checked for accuracy. Editorial integrity is paramount.

Right of reply

Within the normal deadline boundaries, individuals, firms and other entities should be informed in advance of any story written about them and given the chance to respond.

Entertainment, Travel & Gifts

We know that socialising with sources is an important way to develop trust and to gain information. If a reporter is with a source outside of the office, we will reimburse them for a few coffees or drinks. We do not reimburse reporters paying for client meals unless it is pre-approved by an editor. 

It is commonplace in Asia for sources to offer gifts in meetings; in the vast majority of cases these are simply relationship building gestures. In accepting gifts, however, we request all journalists apply common sense to the situation; what is the motivation for providing a gift and what is the value of it? If there are any concerns, a journalist must decline the offer.

There are rare occasion our journalists are invited to attend certain events abroad where travel and board is offered by the invitee. This is handled on a case by case basis and must be pre-approved by the chief editor. In all cases, we will never guarantee coverage of the event.