
6 of 11 investors won’t reveal if they are divesting from Russia

For most of the financial world, divesting Russian assets has become something of a badge of honour. Investors in APAC and elsewhere, meanwhile, are for the most part remaining tight-lipped.
6 of 11 investors won’t reveal if they are divesting from Russia
More than half of the major global investors contacted by AsianInvestor would not reveal whether they are divesting from Russian assets - Temasek, AustralianSuper, LGIA Super, Allianz,  APG, OMERSs all declined to say. AwareSuper and four New Zealand superannuation funds, however, said they were divesting. TEMASEK Paul Ewing-Chow, director of public affairs at Temasek, told AsianInvestor that it is complying with Singapore’s sanctions, announced on 28 February, but declined to…
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