
UBS boosts equities sales team

Two directors have been appointed.

UBS Warburg has announced two new senior appointments to its Asian equities sales team in Hong Kong.

David Wong steps into the executive director's chair from Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken where he was CIO, Far East (ex-Japan). There, he led a team of four, managing a $600 million equity portfolio. He worked as a research analyst at UBS Warburg for three years and has held positions at Capital House Investment and Telstra in Australia.

Caroline Basham joins UBS as a director from Merrill Lynch in London where she was vice-president of Korean and Taiwan institutional equity sales. She has also worked at Capital Securities, Sterns International, and was an assistant director at ABN Amro Asia Securities for three years.

Wong and Basham will report to Michael Chin, regional head of Asian sales.
