
Why REITs outperform equities over the long term

The largest REITs manager in the US, Cohen & Steers is focused increasingly on Asia as it taps into the region’s growing private wealth sector. In recognition of its global focus and consistently outstanding results, this dynamic company also recently won AsianInvestor’s 2019 Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) award.
Why REITs outperform equities over the long term
Real estate investment trusts (REITs) have generally outperformed equities over long-term investment horizons says Cohen & Steers, a pioneer in investing in listed and liquid real estate assets in the US. Based on Cohen & Steers’ analysis, US REITs have outperformed the S&P 500 index by more than 1.6% annually since 1991, a significant result given the US REITs market is the world’s largest. Todd Glickson “We believe that liquid real assets, such as REITs, can …
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